Moving services

Moving services in Vaasa, Finland area.

We carry out your move at a fixed price or according to hourly rate.

We offer to make your move at a fixed price, or according to hourly payment  – which ever turns out to be more favourable for you after the move is done!

The company fulfills the requirements for a good reputation and reliability. We help making your moving safe and swift.

Prices are including tax 24%, 2 moving assistants and the car.

Hourly rate                 110 €/h

One room flat             400 €

Two room flat             500 €

Three room flat          600 €

Cleaning of old flat     31 €/h

Request quotation at: isannointibs(at) or call 0400204224!

We also offer cleaning for the price 38 € / hour!

Good to know before moving

  • Pack your belongings in moving boxes.
  • Bookshelves and other large, hard-transported furniture are easier moved when disassembled.
  • All sensitive surfaces and objects that are easily damaged should be protected well. (Eg with paper, drip load or carton)
  • Clothing, bedding and soft toys are most convenient to pack in plastic bags (black garbage bags)
  • Reserve space for the moving van to park on the street

Moving services to different directions.